Our new Veterans Affairs Committee (VAC).
I will be asking for volunteers to officially form up the committee.
VAC Slogan : We Don’t Know Them All, But We Owe them All.
MTSR VAC Mission Statement:
Our committee is dedicated to educating Rotarians on Veterans affairs, provide support and assistance to current and former military service members residing in the communities that we serve as they transition from their service to the nation and seek opportunities and careers in our Rotary district service area. Many of these veterans have incurred service-connected disabilities which necessitate added individualized or specialized assistance efforts. This has resulted in a growing need for information and communication in specialized support and assistance programs for veterans in our local area following separation or retirement from active duty.
Here is a link to a Rotary Club Veterans Affairs Committee structure plan published by NAPA Rotary Club in Napa, CA. They have invested considerably in their committee and produced a solid template.
Additionally, here is a link to one story of a veteran returning home to civilian life. This article was published in the Rotarian magazine in November 2022.