Meaningful Conversations
Dec 18, 2020
Lucia Francis - MT Sunrise Rotary
Meaningful Conversations

We continue a series of meaningful conversations about diversity, equity, and inclusion.

This Friday, December 18, we will have most of the meeting time for Meaningful  Conversations in small groups and we will also have large group sharing. This will be another  opportunity to continue to listen and learn from each other. The groups will be your fellow Rotarians. They are ready, willing, and able to showcase the rigorous training they have received.

Our team of your fellow Rotarians have been planning these sessions and our goal is that through meaningful conversations we will experience growth, gain deeper understanding, and renew our commitment to fairness and justice.

A Rotarian member of our team will guide each conversation within small groups of  4-5 people.   Small groups will feedback appropriate and significant information to the whole group.

What can you do to get the most out of each conversation ?

  • Look forward to an exciting, encouraging, insightful experience.
  • Review the Rotary Statement on racism, diversity, equity, and inclusion found in our web page.
  • View recommended  videos, listed below, before or after our conversations.  They will provide background and  information to help us in making our conversations meaningful.
  • Actively listen and participate in each conversation with your fellow Rotarians


Uncomfortable conversations with a black man.

Verna Myers: How to overcome our biases? Walk boldly toward them. Click Here