By Brenda Cressey, Rotary Club of Paso Robles, California

November gives us the chance to build greater ownership and pride in our Foundation. We have so much to celebrate. The new grant model, Rotary’s website, our publications, and our new branding effort all focus on building a strong message — the importance of contributing to and supporting our Rotary Foundation.

PolioPlus is highly successful because we believe in our commitment and are getting the word out that we are indeed “This Close” to ending polio. We give to polio eradication because we see very clearly what our money is doing and what we are helping to achieve. We all take pride in knowing that our donations are helping to create a polio-free world.

However, many Rotary members do not have the same pride and ownership in The Foundation’s Endowment Fund and Annual Fund. We are still falling short of our goal in the Every Rotarian, Every Year initiative. Why? Because Rotarians do not fully realize the power of these funds. Read More ...