I feel that there are are many creative and talented people reading this newsletter. I’m also sure that many of you have hidden talents and skills that others would appreciate an opportunity to experience. Well here is an opportunity for you to turn that appreciation into an auction item at Lobsterfest and leverage your gift of time and talent into doing good in the world.

In the past some of our highest auction bid items at Lobsterfest have come from services provided by members, family and friends. From special themed meals prepared, hosting at vacation homes, yard work, vehicle detailing, hosted tours, sporting events, custom made items (ex.golf clubs) and unique social events. These service items are not found on websites or in brick and mortar buildings, these items come from the heart and are treasured by those who purchase and enjoy them.

So please consider sharing that special gift that you have, you’ll feel good giving it. Please let me know (monroe.earthbound@gmail.com) and I’ll pass it on.

Brian Monroe